Woohoo~~~2day is Chirstmas Eve wake up early in the morning...fetch my sis back school take her result~~then i back home rest awhile.Around 2pm i go my dear house fetch her to agent office near The Curve for briefing.After that we head toward Mid Valley to take my dear's working t-shirt.Then,we rush to pavillion for our movie 'AVATAR' at 6pm.It was so rush~~we had to run from Time square to monorail station,then we take monorail to Bukit Bintang and we run again to Pavillion..Finally,we reached cinema around 6++pm...haha!The movie is nice and funny~~after finish movie....we take picture around Pavillion..Here the Picture^^

(My Cute GF HuiMan and I)^^

(Y.Y my gf say my tummy fat)

(My Cute GF HuiMan and I)^^
Then we go outside of Pavillion cont our photo session.
Suddenly we get a call from jia yong..asking us to join him and jia hui for dinner at sg.wang.Then we head toward sg wang meet him....and we saw something really amazing half way.
LOL...a guys with whole body bling bling sitting middle of the road.....he really din move at all!!!!Wowww...amazing~~Unfortunately,my phone out of battery...cant take any pic!sorry~~
After we meet JY and SS we went to a itallian restaurant for our dinner.....Then,we move back to Pavillion again for chirstmas countdown.we use JY's phone take alot of pic...i will upload it soon.Stay tuned^^
This is my first time i celebrate Chirstmas Eve with my Dear....i feel lovely bout it~~I LOVE YOU SO MUCH^^
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